Monday, December 29, 2008

LOTS of Cultural Arts -- Renee's Rashi

I had such a great day today! Well, it really started late last night when I was shmoozing at the Limmud bar with our good friend Jason Caplin who came down to visit Atlanta a few months ago with Clive. So...I kind of overslept a wee bit this morning and missed the session on Challenges Facing the Israeli Army, but there will be another tomorrow. So, I grabbed some take-out food and Anthony and I made it in time to catch a fabulous flic from the UK Jewish Film Festival called Europa Europa, about a Jewish boy who spoke such fluent German that he was able to conceal his Jewish identity and become a war hero, then being sent off to join the Hitler Youth boarding school, which I know sounds horrible, but in reality, it saved his life.

I also went to a session about the Jewish sites that are still lingering throughout Spain, from before the Spanish inquisition in 1492. There is a synagogue in Toledo for you to visit, in case you are passing through! (Which I now realize that Brent and I totally missed when we were there for the Millenium New Years).

The BEST session that I went to today was called Sofia's Drawings and I think that Michal or Jodi may have already mentioned this. This play won first prize for the best play and music at the Haifa International Theatre Festival in 2007. The woman who wrote the play based it on her grandmother (Sofia)'s history in Amsterdam during WWII. The play was kind of an upscale, creative puppet and story show about how her mother made children's drawings and hid with other Christian families in Holland during WWII before rejoining her mother and sister in Israel after the war. This was a phenomenal cultural performance, and I am sure that my description does not do it justice.

Right now Joel from Limmud LA is singing dirty Jack Black songs to us while he continues drinking and taking pictures of us with Eric's pink camera (we're not sure why Eric decided to buy a pink camera, but I guarantee he will never make that mistake again). If you are familiar with Jack Black's repertoire, you can guess which song Joel is serenading us.

Okay, the last GREAT sesssion I saw tonight (which is not the last session I went to, but the last GREAT session), is when Anna, Noah and I went to see Joel Chasnoff from NY do his HILARIOUS stand-up comedy routine. Anna and I were laughing so hard, that we were wiping the tears from our eyes. Absolutely hilarious!

Battery's dying and the owners of this laptop are ready to go to bed. So, signing off until manana!


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