Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

1st Annual (?) LimmudFest

Once you've registered for Limmud 2009 (March 21-22), you can already start planning to join us for our first multi-day Limmud experience--LimmudFest--taking place over Labor Day weekend at Ramah Darom/Tumbling Waters.

Renee and I are co-chairing the event, and we're just getting started with a great group of volunticipants. Please join us--as volunteers and participants! As you know, or will find out in March, volunteering makes the experience infinitely more meaningful, rewarding, and fun even if you've never done Limmud before. There's something for everyone, so just shoot us an email and come to our purpose meeting this Sunday at 8pm.

Shabbat Shalom,